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We are changing our main Facebook page to Be Well Ministries!  This page will remain devotional and relational based. We invite you to hop on and join us there! 

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Devotion -

When I think about resting I think about taking a nap!!! From a mom’s perspective looking at my kids, when they get sleepy they start to whine or act up. They become irritable and just need to close their eyes. 

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Make the Cake

I read this meme on Facebook today that said, “People pray for the cake. Then God gives them the batter, eggs, oil, icing, a pan and an oven. But yet they get frustrated and leave the kitchen. Let that sink in. Sometimes you have everything right in front of you but how bad do you want it?” God created us in his likeness. He created us to be kind, patient, understanding, and loving. These are all things we associate with God and if God are these things shouldn’t we be too?

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Devotion -

What’s Your Season?

We learn in grade school about different flocks of birds and schools of fish migrating during their lifespan. Fish migrate between their spawning, feeding, and nursery grounds, and birds migrate south due to the coldness of the northern winters and back again in the springtime to (according to the internet take advantage of burgeoning insect populations, budding plants and an abundance of nesting locations. We also tend to migrate during our different seasons of our lives.

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Devotion -

Vegetation from Separation

On the third day God created separation between the earth and waters. He also created vegetation on that day and plants that were self sufficient and could multiply and populate the earth on their own. I think often times when a separation occurs in our life, such a friendship dwindling, space between jobs, waiting for an answer to come, it hurts. It feels like, “Ok God!, What are you doing!?”

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