Women’s Devotional | The Root of You – Week #1
In the Beginning
Genesis 1:2
2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
noun: genesis
the origin or mode of formation of something.
Similar: origin, source, root, beginning, start, etc.
Borrowed from Latin genesis (generation, nativity) and Ancient Greek (to be produced, become, beginning, creation).
Formless & Empty
Happy New Year! New Year, New You! Start Today! 2020 Vision! And all that other motivational resolution stuff. It is day two of 2020 and I hadn’t picked up my Bible in over a month. I stopped doing my advent devotional on day 19. My relationship with God needed a pick me up. Now, as much as I would like to just be able to throw some coffee at it and hope for the best like I do with the rest of my life this clearly needed more attention.
This morning I didn’t even know where to start when I picked up my Bible. When you don’t know where to start, what do you do? Start at the beginning. The second verse really hit me like a full on caffeine burst to the face. Irony would have it be the second verse for the second day of the new year. This is exactly how I have been feeling! “Formless and empty” pretty much summed up me at this moment. Wayward. Desolate. But take heart! “The Spirit of God was hovering!”
I feel like this was a metaphor for our beginning. Not just the beginning of time, but us in our relationships with Christ. We come without form and are empty. The first thing God does is fills us with His light and separates us from the darkness. This is what He did on day one. He gives us light and sees it is good. He gives us the goodness of His grace.
On this second day of the new year, God is showing us how He is going to form us. In this devotional series we will be talking about how the beginning chapter of Genesis and what is can be a metaphor for. Who all is ready to see the work God is going to do in 2020??
- What are you rooted in?
2. Do you need a grace filled pick me up to start off 2020?
Challenge: Read Chapter 1 of Genesis.